I flew to the First Annual Triple Tree Aerodrome fly-in last weekend. It was great. I took off Thursday to go, and would have taken off Friday, but had to work. This is an unbelievable place just South of Woodruff, SC. There is a 7,000 ft grass runway that is lighted, a huge hangar with some really nice big model airplanes as well as a couple of antique airplanes. It's a nice facility with a patio and outdoor fireplace, showers for those camping and even has a control tower for the fly-in. Way cool! There were 150-200 planes there on Saturday, and a pretty big crowd.
Next weekend I'm flying to Crossville, TN for the Sonex Fly-In. I went last year and although I'm not flying my Sonex (since it's not finished yet), I will fly there. An hour and 45 minutes in the air is a whole lot better than 5 hours driving.
It'll be nice to see the friends I made last year and catch up on all the new technologies and tips from the other builders. Plus, I only will work 4 days this week too!
You are quite the social butterfly, Bad Bob.
And must you constantly remind me how dull my life is by blogging about your glorious flights?!
Hey BB,
You are welcome to go for a ride anytime you want to.
I'm still looking for Boobsville on the map tho.
It has been a long ride to get to this point. I haven't talked about going to Connecticut, removing the wings of the plane and trailering it to SC. When we got home we found that we got scammed pretty badly on the plane. The engine was absolute toast. We worked every night for 4-5 hours and all day on the weekends for about 4 months before it was ready to fly, not to mention the $$$$$. We learned a lot about the plane, and just about everything in it is new. So I'm flying it until I can't fly no more....
I still have some trim pieces for the interior that I haven't put back on yet.
We just finished building a new hangar, which was a lot of time too. Still have to put electricity to it and we are waiting for the big door. With a limited budget, you have to do a lot of things yourself.
I'm really happy with my life these days tho. It hasn't always been that way.
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