I still have trouble seeing images of the World Trade Center without getting tears in my eyes.
A relative of mine was on Flight 175 and my heart goes out to her family and the rest of the families who have to deal with this on a daily basis, not just once a year like most of us.
I borrowed (stole) the image from Indian Chris at Right Wing & right Minded
I watched the news last night, doing a re-run of an original news broadcast.
It was horrible, and I had to shut it off.
I'm sorry for your relative.
Thanks for this-
a lovely tribute...
I didn't watch one minute of news on the 11th. My heart aches without seeing all the images again.
I am not American, but every Australian can tell you where they were and how they found out about the 11th of Sep 2001.
I can't watch footage of that day without sobbing. What a waste of life and a sad, sad day.
Just terrible.
My heart goes out to your family, as well. :-(
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