This is the kind of day we are having here. It's not my picture, but I didn't have a camera with me this morning.
I got the new starter installed in the plane on Saturday. It was a royal pain. Of course it just didn't bolt in like the old one. It's finally in and it ROCKS!! I also installed the new igntion switch and door lock so all the keys match now. Out of all of it, the door lock was the worst, but it's done.
I flew to work today and it was CAVU. Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited. When I took off, the sun was just starting to rise, and you could see that the cars still had their lights on, a little fog in the valleys, and I could see the tall buildings in Charlotte as the sun rose. That's over 60 miles away!
There was a little wind, but not too bad. Not a cloud in the sky, and I had to turn off all the vents as it was a little cool. It is a perfect day to fly, and a perfect description of why I fly.
g'day there bob.....john corey reminds me of me too!!!....i reckon gold coast was one of the best books ever written.
Gold Coast is another favorite of mine. I am always checking the bookstore to see if there is a new book out or one I haven't read (I've read 'em all).
I was a bit disappointed in the Lion's Game, however.
Thanks for checking out my blog.
Wow! It sounds like you are livin' THE life, Bad Bob. How many people can say they 'fly to work' (in gorgeous weather, no less)?
Hi Honey,
There may be more than we think even if we don't count the airline pilots. Now I'm just trying to figure out how I can sell my house and build one next to my buddy with the runway.
I'm having more fun than I deserve.
Found this through Bottle Blonde's blog. Have you ever visited www.jetcareers.com?
May be of interest, may not. (My husband's a pilot - that's how I know about it.)
Just so's you know it's out there, if 'n yer innerested.
Thanks Kristen,
I've seen it, but mostly they want youngsters with lots of flying hours. I guess I'll just do it like my dad did, all for pleasure.
I got my commercial license when I was 18, but when I was trying to get into aviation, there were way too many ex-military pilots with lots of experience who got most of the jobs.
It's ok, because I'm having the most fun of my life.
How lucky are you!! No traffic jams as far as the eye can see.
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