Buddy was the best little dog I ever knew. He was rescued from the animal shelter a little over 2 years ago. He was a rat terrier / Labrador Retriever mix. He looked like a long legged Lab puppy although he was full grown. He was polite and a great companion.
On Saturday after Christmas, we put him in the back seat of the van and he jumped out to chase after a truck which ran over him. The piece of shit driver didn't even slow down, much less stop.
Buddy was never let outside without a leash on. When walking him at a large field near the house or over at the hangar, he was let loose to run all he wanted.
We are devasted and I can't quit crying over him. He should have had at least 10-12 more years with us.
Mark Twain said the dog is the only creature that will love you more than himself. This was so true with Buddy.
Why he jumped out and why he didn't have his leash on, I can't answer. It was all over in one second, but the pain will linger on for a long time.
I hope I can get to heaven to see him again.
Buddy, I am so very sorry. I love and miss you very much. I feel lost without you.
I am sooooo sorry too hear about your loss. I have 3 adopted Rat Terriers and can't imagine the pain I'm going to feel when they leave.
I can feel the pain you are feeling and I can tell it hurts. I don't really have anywords for you, but I just wanted to let you know that you need to remember the good times and Buddy will always be with you in Spirit.
Thanks Scott. I will remember the good times, but there is a big hole in my heart for him. He was our friend.
OH Bob, what a horrible thing to have happen.
We had a boxer that did a similar thing many years ago; they break your hearts sometimes and leave you thinking it's all your fault.
But it isn't; they're just doing what dogs do.
Have a grieve, then go and get another dog from the pound, because there's thousands of the poor little ceatures looking for some love...
Thanks Fingers for your kind words. Buddy had such a great personality, I just hope I can find another one. He would even go flying with me.
Sorry about the loss. It's never easy to lose a great dog.
By the way ...
This is just a quick note mentioning that SpartanburgSpark.com is asking local bloggers about how and why they got started posting their thoughts online. The post is here: http://www.spartanburgspark.com/2009/01/local-bloggers-why-did-you-start-blogging/
As you may remember, I lost my dog two years ago and have not gotten another one.
My kids are still wracked with guilt over his senseless death.
Sometimes, there are just no answers.
I wish you luck with your healing.
Thanks Bene,
I am having a rough time dealing with it. I still cry unrelentlessly sometimes, and I am ashamed to say it hurts about like when I lost my dad. I feel guilty about that.
Buddy would even ride in the airplane with me. I don't think he really liked it, but he would go to keep my company.
There are a lot of dogs out there who need someone, but I need one to be like Buddy.
I wish I could give Hugs...
There just aren't words for pain like this.
I'm so sorry~
Thanks Cora,
It has been a couple months already and I still can't believe it. I still cry over him sometimes as it was senseless, and it never should have happened. He was more than a best friend and words cannot describe that.
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