Monday, February 23, 2009

16 Lunches to go

At 4 lunch doodies per day, I have 16 more of them. I certainly won't miss all the little bastards that throw their trash under the tables or leave it as a mess. It's mostly the rich kids, not the poor kids.
I draw a map each day who leaves their table as a mess. Then the next day I go to them and shame them into cleaning up. Funny thing, it's never the kids there, it was someone else.
They have been getting away with that kind of crap for 10 years, and it's better now than ever, but only because I go around and deal with it.
It's unbelievable!
I'll have lunch doody at my new school, but it's a lot more reasonable there...

1 comment:

Mayden' s Voyage said...

It's sad to me what kids take for granted, and what a lot of them get away with. My daughter goes to a Charter school where there is no bus service, and no cafeteria, and for that matter- both of my kids pack a lunch almost everyday. It matters to me how they behave, and what they're eating...but I fear I'm in the minority in that regard. I grew up going to small private/Christian schools where the teachers actually had permission to use physical punishment if needed. They usually made us write chapters out of the Old Testament though! lol- yeah- I copied my share of verses!

I'm glad you are almost done and I hope the new school brings the changes you desire. The countdown is on :) Hugs and I'll look forward to the weekend for you!