Friday, November 28, 2008


My beautiful airplane will not start. The starter is toast after 40-50 starts. It is a nightmare to remove, but I finally got it out. Upon disassembling it, I realized there was a spacer that was left out and the front bearing slid back allowing the armature to wobble into the magnets on the case destroying the armature and magnets.
New starter? Close to $500. Which I find ridiculous for a starter that goes on a Toyota.
Of course this happens on a long holiday weekend so I can't get hold of anyone to find out if they will warranty it or even just ship me a new one.

Yesterday and today were perfect flying days. I have 13 hours to go on the test program, and I could have knocked out about 5 or 6 of that.

I am going stir crazy. It'll be raining tomorrow and Sunday. Joy.


fingers said...

Can you remove the wings and go Bad Bobsledding with it until your new starter motor arrives...

Bad Bob said...

I'll have to take the gear off too, but removing the wings isn't too difficult.
The other issue would be snow. We don't have any here, but there should be some not too far North of here, however.

I wonder if we could get a new Olympic sport approved?