Thursday, May 06, 2010

5 weeks of school left!!

Pretty cool huh??
Usually it is the last 2-3 weeks where the kids act completely stupid. They just act a little stupid after spring break, but they are 3-4 weeks early.

I'm tired, and not sure why. Maybe it's the allergy medicine. I've been going to bed early enough, but I'm exhausted.

I guess the 80 or so hours during spring break to paint my airplane got it started, and I just can't quite catch up.

Big baseball game tomorrow night, and then up early Saturday to be chase plane for a friend who will be making his maiden flight in his airplane.

I'm not complaining about the 80 or so hours as the plane looks awesome!!! I'm still tired though.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Looks incredible Bob! Nice nice nice work. You should be elated (if not somewhat exhausted!)

Warm regards ;)