Monday, August 31, 2009

School's are nice places when nobody is here.

We have just finished our 5th full day of High School. You would think that by the time the kids get here to 9th grade, they would have just a minuscule amount of common sense. Not so. For the most part, I have been dealing with bus issues..."What bus do I ride?". Then I have to ask, "Where do you live?". I have talked to several 9th graders who do not know their own address.
I've talked to parents who want their kid dropped off at work (the kid's job, not the parents) and it happens to be out of the county.

I'm old, and I can get to any classroom from any classroom in less than 5 minutes. Parents call and want the time extended so their little darling can get to class on time. I explain that the class change time is for getting to class on-time and there isn't much time for talking to their friends. "My son goes from class to his locker and on to the next one and simply cannot get there on time. So I walk from the kid's class, to his locker, pretend I'm opening it with a couple mistakes and change out what I need and walk to the next class. The next day the kid makes it on time. It's a freaking miracle!!

I've taken bets (figuratively speaking) from teachers and other administrators to see which kid is most likely to get suspended first. It's amazing that almost everyone picked the same guy. I would hate for every student to be just "another brick in the wall", but it certainly would simplify some of the things I have to do.

1 comment:

Miss Stormy "Gumshoe" Marples said...


My second job is at Starbucks. I get to work with a bunch of young 20-year olds. Well, lazy is not the word for it. I have never seen such unmotivated people.