I am a fan of the Grateful Dead. I was a bit late to listen to them originally on the radio, but a former boss of mine was a read "Deadhead". I picked it up from him. Although I didn't get to go to many concerts, the ones I did go to were great fun.
I have a collection of Grateful Dead / Jerry Garcia ties. I have about 109 of them. The reason I say "about", is my dog Betty got hold of one and chewed the side of my very favorite one, so even though I still have it, it's not wearable.
I have been on ebay several times a week trying to find a replacement, with no results.
Jerry designed all but one of them that I have, and lately there are a lot more coming on the scene. Although he did the artwork, his estate is taking other artwork and making them into ties. There are hundreds of them now.
He was a graduate of the San Francisco School of the Arts and was very talented. He turned to painting as therapy when trying to get off the drugs.
He was unsuccessful in the long run, but produced some nice artwork. Not all of it was "Dead" related or abstract, but I like my "Dead" ties the best. A lot of them have "Easter Eggs" (Skulls or Roses) hidden in the fabric or in the design.
RIP Jerry, A lot of us still miss you.
The "Steal Your Face" Logo above is on the watch I got off ebay recently for $1.